

Dear reader—

I started my psychotherapy practice in November 2018, initially as a sole proprietor. I left my non-profit job in the summer of 2021 to jump into private practice full time, looking for more flexibility to better suit my neurodivergent brain. It was (and still is!) scary to be on my own, but making that move was the best thing I could possibly have done for my mental health.

I now have two therapists and one admin person that work for me. I have created, and continue to create, a practice that welcomes folks who feel like they don’t fit with other mental health providers. In particular, I am passionate about serving my LGBTQ community, particularly our trans sisters, brothers, and siblings.

I want to continue to create a practice where neurodiversity is celebrated and understood, where folks with minority sexualities can thrive, where liberation for all is a central value that we practice every single day.

I truly believe that I am meant to be doing this work. I love being a social worker, and I want to use my natural talents and privilege to heal others.

Although, I suppose, it’s not me that is doing the healing. It’s you, the client, that does that hard work. I am simply lucky enough to get to provide the tools and witness your growth.

With endless love and solidarity,

Amanda Frey